
Das ePortfolio ist eine digitale Sammlung von bedeutsamen bzw. aussagekräftigen Arbeiten einer Person.

Nach Registrierung in das ePortfolio-System können NutzerInnen ihr eigenes ePortfolio Schritt für Schritt entwickeln, erstellen, managen und aktualisieren.

Das ePortfolio hilft NutzerInnen:
• Arbeiten (Projekte, Ergebnisse, andere interessante Informationen) mit Gleichaltrigen und Freunden zu teilen
• NutzerInnen erhalten im Zuge der Berufsorientierung Unterstützung eines Karriereberaters oder pädagogischen Beraters
• Arbeiten können einem potentiellen Arbeitgeber präsentiert werden
• eigene Arbeiten und Entwicklungsschritte zu reflektieren

Below you can see a short movie, describing the features of the system and five steps quick guide for ePortfolio creation.

If you want to see the video tutorial in HQ, click on the movie and then, in the youtube interface, click on the HQ button.




Create an ePortfolio in 5 simple steps



1. Register/log in - To create your personal ePortfolio, you must register in the in the ePortfolio System. After this, you can login and begin the ePortfolio creation


2. The Profile section - Here you can enter your personal information and details and your profile picture. In this section you can also add information about your goals and skills, and to write a cover letter and add a CV. From here you can see your results form the 4YF Game and the motivation test. After you fill in the information you want, you are ready for the next step - the view creation.


3. The Views creation - In the ePortfolio system, you present your information and artefacts (images, files, video) with the help of the Views. After you fill in the information in the profile section, you are ready to create your first view. You may have many views and every one of them can represent different kind of information about you. Also, you can copy views from the other ePortfolio System users. You build your view with the help of blocks. Every block brings specific kind of information, like images, videos, personal information etc.


4. The other ePortfolio users - You can interact with other users of the sistem through the Group section. There you can search for users, add friends and join different groups also, you can see the profiles of the other users.


5. The Profile page - This page is located in the profile section. This is the page that the other ePortfolio users can see. It contains your views and the list your friends, and the groups that you are in.